We exist to provide every person the opportunity to find salvation.

Jesus has promised to make everyone free, if only they come to him. Our heartbeat is to introduce everyone to the life-changing, delivering power of Jesus Christ.

We’re a church that believes you can still experience Jesus in a powerful, life-changing way. We’re what some call Spirit-filled, others call us Pentecostal, and others call us Apostolic. Regardless of the label, we’re a growing community of believers in Moses Lake that believes we can experience the power of God just like they did in the book of Acts.

What does that mean?

It means everyone is welcome, regardless of nationality, language, or social/economic status. We’re all one church. It means we have a rowdy celebration every Sunday, where we enjoy the wonderful, life-changing power of God. And, it means that we experience miracles on a regular basis. So, if you need something from God, you can find it here.

We live for one purpose: to fulfill the great commission and reach the world with the good news of Jesus. In that pursuit, we focus our energy on three areas:

  • – Personal Growth

  • To develop ourselves, and grow onward toward perfection to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.

  • – Spiritual Growth

  • To be equipped to be effective servants in the kingdom, through growth in knowledge and understanding of the Kingdom.

  • – Kingdom Growth

  • To be personally involved in serving the Kingdom of God and sharing in the Great Commission, to see the Gospel preached to every creature.